Halloween Decorating Ideas - Vintage Halloween garnish Ideas Inspired by the 1940's


Here are some ideas for Halloween decorations that can be used indoors or outdoors. Decorations like these were favorite in the 1940's and many are still common-place today.

A former and admittedly ready outdoor adornment is made of autumn leaves (real or fake) with corn stalks from your local farmer and lit Jack o'lanterns nearby the base. The corn stalks can be attached to a porch maintain beam, a light pole or a shepherds hook that held the summer's flowers.

Halloween Decorations

Another former Halloween adornment is the Jack o' lanterns. Put them in groups, line them up on a fence, porch railing, along a walkway or along a driveway. Candles, dishes of alcohol and salt were favorite on Hallowe'en. Add blue Christmas lights to give a ghostly illumination.

Halloween Decorating Ideas - Vintage Halloween garnish Ideas Inspired by the 1940's

Free hand silhouettes/cuttings of black and/or orange building paper hung on the windows and walls make for a neat effect. Some items to draw comprise witches, pumpkins, cats, bats, elves, fairies, spiders, owls, cauldrons, broomsticks or peaked hats. Hunt the internet for figures you can print and trace. You can also originate unique lamp shades for your Halloween party. Use stiff orange and black paper cut out like Jack-o'-lanterns, witches, cats and other favorite Halloween symbols.

Popular decorations were created from assorted fruits and vegetables. Apples, turnips and carrots can be cut into grotesque faces and displayed as is or used to hold candlesticks. You can also originate Halloween goblins from the fruit and vegetables. Use Jack o'lanterns for the heads. The body is a smaller pumpkin and carrots are used for arms and legs which are fastened to the body with wire.

What would Halloween be without ghosts? Use a Jack o'lantern for the head which is attached to an upright post. Drape a white sheet or tablecloth from the post. You can then pin/stake the ends of the sheet out a few feet or just allow the sheet to blow in the wind.

Whatever your taste in Halloween decorating is, you may find that some of these vintage halloween decorating ideas may be ideal for your own haunted home this Halloween.

Halloween Decorating Ideas - Vintage Halloween garnish Ideas Inspired by the 1940's


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