Baby's First Halloween Birthday - Invitations & Decorations


As your baby grows up, Halloween will fast become one of his or her favorite times of year - this is doubly so with a baby born on or near Halloween. Start the tradition off right with a blow-out Halloween birthday party for year amount one!

Go For Spooky Instead of Scary

Halloween Decorations

Of policy Halloween is the time for witches and werewolves, ghosts, ghouls and goblins, but it's also a fun time, with trick-or-treating and dressing up. Focus on the fun and cartoonish aspects of the holiday when planning your baby's first Halloween birthday party. Later on, your child can grow into the scarier aspects of the holiday.

Baby's First Halloween Birthday - Invitations & Decorations

Your first step will be selecting Halloween birthday party invitations. Make sure to choose a company that uses top quality, 80lb. White linen paper, and if recycled paper is a priority for you, ask if they can make substitutions. Find out turnaround time and what the policy is for providing you proofs, so you can check accuracy.

As for design, you'll need to rule if you want the emphasis to be more on the Halloween aspects of the party, or if the focus is on baby's first birthday party with a Halloween theme. That will help you narrow down your build choices. Your best bet is to find a company or printer that lets you customize much of the invitation; then you can find just the right balance in the middle of birthday invitations and Halloween party invitations.

Beyond Orange & Black

Yes, you'll have orange and black streamers, perhaps cobwebs and goofy rubber spiders, and some bowls of water with dry ice in them, but when baby's first Halloween is combined with baby's first birthday, your options are wee only by your imagination. You'll want to stay away from candles if there are a lot of wee guests, but a blacklight in the bathroom or enchanting green or orange lights set the tone for very wee money.

Candy loaded up in plastic pumpkins is a given, but remember you'll have two dissimilar groups you'll be feeding: small children as well as adults. Decorate your table with orange carrot sticks or mandarin slices tossed with blackberries. Talk to your local deli, and see if they can make a fruit or jellied mold in the shape of a pumpkin. Everyone loves a cake for baby's first birthday, but small children are probably good at handling cookies than a fork and plate.

A delightful aggregate of your child's first birthday party with all the fun of their first Halloween gives you lots of leeway in planning and decorating a breathtaking party.

Baby's First Halloween Birthday - Invitations & Decorations


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