Halloween Themed Classroom Decorations


The witching season is upon you! bright orange and black, spiders and bats, scary and sweet, it's time again for Halloween classroom decorations.

Whether you're beginning from scratch or you already have most of your Halloween classroom decor ready, fresh classroom decoration ideas keep the spirits roaming your classroom.

Halloween Decorations

Giant Spider in Her Web

Halloween Themed Classroom Decorations

A large, blank wall requires large decorations. If you have a large wall in your classroom, begin with a giant spider web. The web is in effect created using yarn of any color that will stand off the wall. Pick 6 points on the wall for attachment. The hour positions of 10, 12, 2, 4, 6 and 8 on a clock are a good reference. Cut three lengths of yarn the full length of the web you want to create. Attach the yarn right across the wall at the 6 points to originate an asterisk. Then, working in a spiral from the outside, attach the yarn at each of the 6 points with tape or glue until you have at least 3 spirals. You may have some more spirals depending on the size of your wall.

Once you have the web, it's time to originate the spider. The spider should be black and can be any size and shape. You can cut the body out of black building paper and then use long black pipe cleaners for the legs. You can also make the legs out of black building paper by cutting long rectangles and then folding them accordion-style to give the spider dimension. Once the spider is assembled, attach her to the web.

This can also turn into a great project for your students. Give them pipe cleaners and show them how to twist the pieces together to originate mini-spiders that will help turn the giant web into a scary masterpiece. You can take the project one step supplementary with black or brightly colored mini pom-poms that can be used as the body of the mini-spiders.

Halloween Scenes

One classroom door decoration idea is to originate Halloween scenes out of colored felt or building paper and attach them to the door. The scenes need not be scary, but warm and inviting, drawing the children inside. A cat with a pumpkin, kindly ghosts, skeletons with top hats, or a large moon with a fence silhouette are just a few ideas to get you started. Use uncomplicated shapes and contrasting colors to originate a delightful array of mini-scenes for decorating your classroom door. You can in effect turn this into a fun project for your students, whether you ask them to cut out the uncomplicated shapes or give them the ability to originate the haunting landscape.

Surrounded by Skeletons

A border of cut out skeletons can wrap colse to the upper wall of your classroom. You can make the skeletons in a paper doll style, with many layers of white building paper cut out at once so they are attached when you unfold the paper.

Another idea is to have your students cut out the bones of small skeletons, attach the bones with brass fasteners and then hang them colse to the perimeter of the classroom. Students can express themselves by putting the arms and legs of their skeletons in funny positions or even hanging them upside down.

Inspiring classroom decorations are an foremost part of creating an environment where students are motivated to learn. If you want to involve your students in classroom decoration, many lessons can be incorporated into uncomplicated classroom decorating ideas like anatomy, art, math and science.

Halloween Themed Classroom Decorations


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